Environnement, ingénierie & développement | ![]() |
En février dernier, le GIP-ANR était créé. Il a pour mission de soutenir le développement des recherches fondamentale et appliquée, le partenariat entre le secteur public et privé et de contribuer au transfert des résultats de la recherche vers le monde économique. Pour l’année 2005, le GIP-ANR est doté d’une capacité de financement d’opérations pluriannuelles de 700 M€.C’est dans ce cadre qu’a été lancé le 1er juin dernier le premier appel à projets du Programme de Recherche PRECODD1 « Ecotechnologies et Développement Durable ». Le programme, actuellement financé par le GIP-ANR, avec l’ADEME comme établissement support, subventionnera des projets en partenariat public-privé à hauteur de 350 à 1000 k€ en moyenne.Les écotechnologies couvrent l’ensemble des technologies visant à réduire les émissions polluantes et diminuer les impacts de la pollution sur l’environnement et la santé. Il faut rappeler que le chiffre d’affaire 2004 des éco-industries en Europe est d’environ 200 milliards d’euros (soit environ 500 euros par personne) et occupe environ 2 millions d’emplois. 80 % du volume d’affaires vise la gestion des rejets et émissions polluantes et 20 % vise la gestion des ressources naturelles. Ce secteur d’activité croit à un rythme d’environ 5 % par an en Europe depuis une dizaine d’années. Les applications dans le secteur privé y occupent une part croissante avec désormais 60 %. La France joue un rôle […]
The assessment of metal pollution in soils around a metallurgical factory was the aim of the present paper. The main objectives were to identify the origin (geological or anthropogenic) of some metals and the environmental risks they could induce (ground water contamination and human health risk).A suitable sampling strategy was developed and all the tools used in this procedure were chosen according to European guidelines and recommendations. For soil analyses, ISO protocols were mainly adopted. Cartographies of metal contents were used to represent both the horizontal and vertical distribution of metals. The results highlighted an anthropic and historical pollution of top soils around the site. No significant vertical migration was observed for the metals typical of the present industrial activities so that no groundwater contamination is to be feared at the present time. However, groundwater analyses are needed to check the migration of the tracer from the past industrial activities. The sampling strategy developed seemed to be well suited to our context. However, there is no universal sampling procedure and each one must be "purpose-fit", i.e. developed according to clearly defined objectives.
This paper presents the treatment techniques of contaminated soils by hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) isomers. The most available techniques are presented: thermal treatment (incineration and thermal desorption), extraction, physicochemical treatments (Gas Phase Chemical Reduction, base catalysed decomposition, solvated electrons deshalogenation), biological treatments and stabilization table presenting the techniques, their application possibilities, their development state and the costs is given.
Treatment of textile effluent by the process coagulation-floculation- nanofiltration.Many attempts of treatment of the effluent of textile industry by coagulation-floculation, nanofiltration and by combined coagulation-floculation-nanofiltration were realised. The results shows that coagulation-floculation loading to reduction of the organic matter of 87% of COD and the turbidity of 98% for a dose of 1.7 g/l of elementary aluminum, but does not eliminate the soluble organic matter and the salts. Then, the membrane filtration process offers an alternative effluent treatment. To avoid the colmatation of the membrane module, we chosed to treat the textile effluent by coagulation-floculation. The solution in the dye bath goes directly to the nanofiltration unit, where the soluble contaminants are retained. Hence, clear water is produced. On other hand, the results of nanofiltration and of combined process coagulation-floculation-nanofiltration showed that last method leads to rejection of the organic matter of 98% of COD and salts of 99,9%. Since, the clear water was produced that can be recycled in company.
This paper is focusing on current practices and procedures for municipal organic waste management facilities' implementation and management in France. Concerned by the vast group of local environment treatment facilities, i.e sewage treatment plants, municipal waste incinerators, storm water overflows…, the current work draws the present complexity of public involvement in those major environmental public services. The public, representing various and vague interests, is invited to participate in several ways to decisions affecting daily management of mostly citizens'wastes either collected diluted in water through sewers or under the solid form through dustbins. Participation takes place through public enquiries strictly defined by multiple laws or through permanent commissions dealing either with environmental issues or with public financing issues involving “private delegation”. Those various options to participate as public can take roughly two different ways. The first way to get involved in those complex issues is for the citizen to get informed and to report directly at the city council located by the project of concerned (after reading the Environmental Impact Assessment Study available to anyone at opening hours of the city hall). All registered opinions and questions must be consigned in the mandatory book of public comments which is systematically opened in any case and subject to strict regulatory control. The second way to participate can be […]
Algeria is confronted with serious problems of industrial pollution. The industrial park is old, frequently ineffective and pollutant. It should be noted that the process of industrialization was carried out under conditions which did not respect the environmental concerns. The pollution generated by the untreated industrial water discharge, the gas emissions and the production of dangerous waste, whose management did not find solutions yet, disturbs the balance of the ecosystem seriously. Currently, the production of industrial solid waste in Algeria exceeded the 1 240 000 t/year of which 40% are regarded as toxics and very dangerous. The industrial Es-Senia park in Oran, for example, produced about 10 000 t/year of solid waste and liquids, that without taking account of the considerable quantities of toxic products contained in industrial waste water rejected towards the natural environment (sea, wadis…). Waste is generally stored on the places of production without taking account of the standards national or international environmental rules. Within sight of this situation, an analysis was carried out, to consider a durable management of the industrial wastes.