Rajesh Kumar ; V. Kumar ; K.K. Pandey ; K.K. Pathak ; P. Maiti et al. - Analysis of differential heaving distress in soil-structure interactions due to degradation of founding soil by chemical contaminations

eid:8492 - Environnement, Ingénierie & Développement, 17 septembre 2019, N°80 - N°Spécial bis, Congrès Sites et Sols, juillet 2019 - https://doi.org/10.4267/dechets-sciences-techniques.4080
Analysis of differential heaving distress in soil-structure interactions due to degradation of founding soil by chemical contaminationsArticle

Auteurs : Rajesh Kumar ORCID1; V. Kumar 1; K.K. Pandey 1; K.K. Pathak 1; P. Maiti 1; Suresh Kumar 1

In the process of rapid industrialization, land degradation is being observed in presence of chemical or other alterations in the natural soil. Expansive soil resulting from penetration of liquor in to the ground creating differential heaving stress in the foundation of the structures. Present paper deals a case study of distressed structure founding on the soil which is being contaminated with caustic liquor resulting from the process of manufacturing of Alumina. A reinforced cement tertiary thickener structure of Alumina plant (in India) rests on concentric columns got distress features in the form of upheaval of footings after four year of commissioning. The concrete and soil in the foundation area got contaminated with caustic liquor resulting in to the expansion of materials near to the foundation and creating differential heaving distress in the foundation and columns. This paper also deals the remedial measures and a methodology to make the structure stable and durable.

Volume : N°80 - N°Spécial bis, Congrès Sites et Sols, juillet 2019
Publié le : 17 septembre 2019
Importé le : 17 septembre 2021
Mots-clés : expansive soil,heaving stress,caustic liquor,[SDE.IE]Environmental Sciences/Environmental Engineering

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