Galaup Serge ; Christine Baudoin - Droit et politique des déchets industriels analyse comparative de six stratégies nationales en Europe

eid:8304 - Environnement, Ingénierie & Développement, 1 janvier 1996, N°1 - 1er Trimestre 1996 -
Droit et politique des déchets industriels analyse comparative de six stratégies nationales en EuropeArticle

Auteurs : Galaup Serge 1; Christine Baudoin 2

  • 1 Polytems Conseil
  • 2 Chaney Connor Lemetais & Associés

The comparative analysis of six national waste strategies (Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, ltaly, Luxembourg) « law and policy of industrial waste » in EU countries is the result of a collaboration between 3 major participants of the environmental sector:- Polytems Consultant, whose environment and strategies department specializes in communication concerning wastes, industrial environment, security, health ... and founder member of the ECU network (European Communications Unit),- Chaney Connor Lemetais & Associated, a business lawyers'practice that regularly intervenes in the field of environmental law and member of the international network Pannone Law Group,- Tredi, a french leader of difficult industrial special waste processing.

Volume : N°1 - 1er Trimestre 1996
Publié le : 1 janvier 1996
Importé le : 29 juillet 2021
Mots-clés : industrial waste,environment,security,health,déchets industriels,environnement,santé,[SDE.ES]Environmental Sciences/Environmental and Society

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