Yann Cochin ; Dominique Lhuilier - Déchet et imaginaire

eid:8244 - Environnement, Ingénierie & Développement, 1 janvier 1997, N°7 - 3ème Trimestre 1997 - https://doi.org/10.4267/dechets-sciences-techniques.783
Déchet et imaginaireArticle

Auteurs : Yann Cochin 1; Dominique Lhuilier 2

  • 2 UFR des sciences humaines cliniques Paris VII

Through the individual and collective representations of waste and landfill, this qualitative study analyses the imagination linked to these two topics. The established links clarify the resistance to information and the dynamic of rejection as well as the opposition in reaction to projects of implantation and installation of waste treatment devices. Exposing the misunderstanding of the imagined signification of waste and landfill allows the possibility of action. Only such action provides the opportunity not to feel exposed to the menace of waste but to restore the position of the individual actor.

Volume : N°7 - 3ème Trimestre 1997
Publié le : 1 janvier 1997
Importé le : 29 juillet 2021
Mots-clés : [SDE.ES]Environmental Sciences/Environmental and Society

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