    title      = {Valorisation du verre à bouteille comme addition fine dans les bétons autoplaçants},
    author     = {Mourad Behim and Tahar Ali Boucetta},
    url        = {https://eid.episciences.org/7831},
    doi        = {10.4267/dechets-sciences-techniques.932},
    journal    = {Environnement, Ingénierie \& Développement},
    issn       = {2778-844X},
    volume     = {N°65 - Novembre 2013},
    eid        = 1,
    year       = {2013},
    month      = {nov.},
    keywords   = {Powder of glass bottles, additions, formulation, Self Compacting Concrete, Waste, concrete, Déchets, poudre de verre, Filler calcaire, Additions, Béton autoplaçant, [SDE.IE]Environmental Sciences/Environmental Engineering},
    language   = {French},