    title      = {Co-compostage de résidus solides de toilettes sèches mobiles en présence de déchets verts},
    author     = {A. Koanda and R. Bayard and P. Naquin and G. Jean and F. Bévalot and C. Bottinelli and R. Gourdon},
    url        = {https://eid.episciences.org/7815},
    doi        = {10.4267/dechets-sciences-techniques.183},
    journal    = {Environnement, Ingénierie \& Développement},
    issn       = {2778-844X},
    volume     = {N°68 - Novembre 2014},
    eid        = 1,
    year       = {2014},
    month      = {nov.},
    keywords   = {composting, drugs, dry toilet residues, green waste, indicators of stability, maturity, mobile dry toilets, pathogenic agents, pharmaceutical micropollutants, respiration, agents pathogènes, compostage, indicateurs de stabilité, maturité, micropolluants pharmaceutiques, respiration, stupéfiants, toilettes sèches, toilettes sèches mobiles, [SDE.IE]Environmental Sciences/Environmental Engineering},
    language   = {French},