@article{eid:7759, title = {Mesure des tassements primaires et secondaires des déchets en décharge de classe II sous climat tropical humide}, author = {Emmanuel Ngnikam and Ritha Oumbe and Tina Magloire and Serge Hiligsmann}, url = {https://eid.episciences.org/7759}, doi = {10.4267/dechets-sciences-techniques.3834}, journal = {Environnement, Ingénierie \& Développement}, issn = {2778-844X}, volume = {N°77 - septembre 2018}, eid = 1, year = {2018}, month = {sept.}, keywords = {landfill, household wastes, primary and secondary compressing, tropical climate, climat tropical, décharge, déchets ménagers, tassement, [SDE.IE]Environmental Sciences/Environmental Engineering}, language = {French}, }