@article{eid:7736, title = {Assessment of phytoplankton community in the basins of a hospital wastewater treatment station (Regional Hospital Center of Daloa, Côte d’Ivoire)}, author = {Yao Charles Sangne and Akoua Djinabou Kouman and Kobenan Pierre N’Gouran and Kouassi Bruno Kpangui and Yao Sadaiou Sabas Barima}, url = {https://eid.episciences.org/7736}, doi = {10.4267/dechets-sciences-techniques.4147}, journal = {Environnement, Ingénierie \& Développement}, issn = {2778-844X}, volume = {N°81 - septembre 2019}, eid = 6, year = {2019}, month = {sept.}, keywords = {phytoplankton, diversity, Microphyte natural lagoon station, regional hospital center, Ivory Coast, phytoplankton, phytoplancton, diversité, lagunage naturel à microphytes, centre hospitalier régional, Côte d’Ivoire, phytoplancton, [SDE.IE]Environmental Sciences/Environmental Engineering}, language = {French}, }